
Konnichiwa OKYN users,
It’s been more than 2 months since the new OKYN.jp site was launched, and we are very surprised and excited to see so many great fans rushing to the site, clicking on OKYN button, and posting comments. These activities indicate to us that all of you are a truly amazing and loyal group of fans. It is such a privilege and honor for us to be a part of the OKYN family serving all of you.
There is really one ultimate goal for us and that is to make sure that everyone who visit OKYN.jp site enjoys his/her time on our site. It is our hope that the site can be a source of joy, happiness, laughter, and allow you to interact in new ways with other OKYN community members via new features that will be introduced in the near future.
These past two months have been a truly wonderful learning experience for all of us here. Our site currently is built on servers that are very far away from Japan (Boston, Massachusetts, USA) and as a result, the site is slow to load and sometimes causes minor glitches. We admit that we were very surprised to see a high number of traffic and also high rate of activities on the site, which ultimately caused the site to crash several times. We are currently working hard to move our servers to be closer and on better performing hardwares so that the site will load faster and will be more reliably maintained. However, please do give us a little bit of time in order for us to ensure that we can perform this upgrade correctly. Our apologies for all of the inconvenience, yet many of you continued your support by returning to visit our site. We profoundly appreciate your patience.
The recent photo contest has been a proof that many of you also want to contribute your own content to the website. We are working to bring in delightful new features in the near future so that you can do more on the OKYN site. For OKYNs who visit the site from mobile, we are currently working to make the site more useful and accessible for you on the smart phones as well, so stay tuned!
Also, in order to ensure that everyone will enjoy our site to the fullest, we would also like to mention everyone to read on our “Terms of Use“. This way, we keep our content clean, fun, and entertaining for everybody.
Finally, if any of you encounter any issues, please do not hesitate to report them to us at admin@okyn.jp. All comments, feedback and catnip are welcome. We would love to hear from you!
Let’s OKYN!
From OKYN Team

先日のフォトコンテストに皆様に活発にご参加いただいたことは、皆様がサイトに進んでコンテンツを提供してくだる、そのお気持ちの証だと感じています。 今後も皆様がOKYNサイトでさらに色々なことができるように、新たに楽しい機能を盛り込もうと準備を進めています。モバイルユーザーの方々にも、サイトがもっと便利でアクセスしやすいように取り組んでいますので、どうぞ見守っていただけたら幸いです。
最後に、もし何かありましたら、お気軽に admin@okyn.jpまでメールをお寄せください。コメント、フィードバック、キャットニップなど、なんでも歓迎です。皆様からのお便り、お待ちしております。
Let’s OKYN!
OKYN チーム一同

note でも定期連載しています

